Russia begins selling yuan-denominated bonds

Russia begins selling yuan-denominated bonds

According to Bloomberg, Russia aims to resume domestic bond sales after a six-month break, as well as issue Chinese yuan-denominated bonds.
According to the research, ruble-denominated bonds, commonly known as OFZs, are expected to return to the market in the second half of September 2022. According to the article, yuan bonds would be issued for the first time on the Russian market next year.

According to a source, there is a long-term strategy to issue Chinese bonds on the Russian market, which coincides with the increase in yuan trading volumes (on the Moscow Stock Exchange) following the sanctions that kept Russia away from its usual markets in the United States and Europe.
According to Bloomberg statistics, trade volumes in the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan have surged roughly 40 times since the start of the year.

According to the agency’s assessment, the largest gold mining firm in Russia, Polios, and the aluminium behemoth Rusal do transactions in yuan.

Russia begins selling bonds denominated in yuan.

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