Prime Minister of Palestine: The government’s crisis is due to the decline in international support and the continuation of Israeli cuts

Prime Minister of Palestine: The government’s crisis is due to the decline in international support and the continuation of Israeli cuts

Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh stated on Tuesday that the Palestinian government’s crisis and difficult financial situation are the result of a decline in international support for Palestine, the continuation of unjust Israeli cuts from Palestinian funds, and the Palestinians’ inability to access and exploit their capabilities, particularly in Area C.

This happened at Shtayyeh’s welcome in his Ramallah office of Alexander Teman, the head of the International Monetary Fund’s mission to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in preparation for the donors conference next month in New York.

The Palestinian Prime Minister emphasised that the restricted resources are the result of the abnormal conditions imposed by the reality of the occupation, and that the international community must deal with Palestine realistically, holding Israel accountable for its occupation and all of its activities.

He also emphasised that the donors’ conference next month should result in substantial and tangible outcomes on the ground, reviving optimism among our people and confirming that the international community stands with Palestine.
The Palestinian Prime Minister updated the IMF mission’s head on the status of work on the reform and administrative reform agenda, emphasising the presence of complete political will to accomplish it.

The Palestinian Prime Minister urged international organisations such as the IMF to study the facts in their reports, to avoid conflating the transmission of truth with political stances, and to utilise international law and UN resolutions as their measuring stick.

Palestinian Prime Minister: The government’s problem is caused by a fall in foreign assistance and the continuance of Israeli cutbacks.

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