Regardless of Biden’s efforts, 74% of Americans believe their country is heading in the wrong path.

Regardless of Biden’s efforts, 74% of Americans believe their country is heading in the wrong path.

According to a new NBC News survey, over three-quarters of American voters believe the country is moving in the wrong direction.
A survey found that only 21% of respondents feel the country is on the right track, while 74% believe the opposite.
More over half of respondents, or 58%, expressed concern that America’s best years were already behind us, while 35% expressed optimism that America’s best years were yet ahead.

Approximately one-third, or 34%, of respondents projected that the situation in the United States will worsen during the next five years. And 21% feel nothing will change.
According to this poll, Biden has a 42% approval rating, while 48% of people had very negative or extremely negative feelings about the president.

Last week, Biden signed into law a $740 billion healthcare and climate change package, marking a significant legislative triumph for his party ahead of this year’s midterm elections.
The Inflation Manage Act is a scaled-down version of the Build Better Act, which did not receive a vote last year, but it still aims to address climate change, cut health-care costs for Americans, and control inflation.

According to an NBC News poll, 42 percent of individuals believed the bill was a good idea, while 31 percent thought it was a bad idea. A little more than a quarter indicated they had no opinion, 36% said the legislation would have no effect on their lives, and 35 said it would make things worse for them personally. Only 26% believed the policy would help their own condition.

Despite Biden’s efforts, 74% of Americans feel their country is on the wrong track.

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