Moscow blames the attack on Darya Dugina on Ukrainian special troops.

Moscow blames the attack on Darya Dugina on Ukrainian special troops.

The Russian secret services (FSB, the former KGB) have no doubts: “Solved the murder of the Russian journalist Darya Dugina, born in 1992”, they write in a note delivered to the Russian media, in which they accuse the Ukrainian special forces for the murder of the fervent chronicler of the invasion of Ukraine and daughter of the far-right philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. The person in charge would be Natalya Vovk, born in 1979. According to the FSB, “Vovk, together with her 12-year-old daughter, arrived in Russia on July 23 and rented an apartment in the building where Dugina lived to gather information on her style of A Mini Cooper car was used to monitor the journalist. After the attack, carried out with a remotely controlled explosion of a bomb hidden in the journalist’s car, Vovk and his daughter left for Estonia via the region of Pskov “. Now the alleged perpetrator of the attack “will be included in the list of those wanted for extradition”. Estonia denies having received any such requests to date. The FSB also released a video that would show the alleged attacker’s entry into Russia, the settlement in the Dugina condominium and then the escape to Estonia.

The explosion would have been hidden beneath the car’s bonnet, on the driver’s side. Earlier that day, Russian authorities told the state news outlet Tass that the explosive would be detonated from a safe distance. “The automobile,” a Jeep owned by the father, “was probably tracked and its movement was scrutinised,” the source told Tass. Several Russian news outlets are saying that Vovk is a member of the Azov Regiment and have included an image of a purported identity card.

A few hours later, Kiev issued a denial: “The claim that Ukraine is engaged is untrue. The National Guard of Ukraine is not involved in what transpired. On Ukrainian soil, the National Guard is carrying out its legal obligations “, stated Andriy Yusov, the Ministry of Defense’s intelligence spokesperson. Yusov then stated in a memo obtained by CNN that “both Dugin and his daughter are peripheral figures and not a matter of interest for Ukraine.”

According to Aleksandr Dugin: “As you are all aware, my daughter Darya Dugina was cruelly slain by an explosion in front of my eyes on August 20, while returning from the Festival of Tradition outside Moscow, as a result of a terrorist act carried out by the Ukrainian Nazi dictatorship. She was a stunning Orthodox woman, a patriot, a military journalist, and a philosopher. Her lectures and reports were usually insightful, well-reasoned, and reasonable. She never called for bloodshed or conflict. Early in her career, she was a rising star. travel. Russia’s opponents assassinated her.”

Vladimir Putin, the Russian Federation’s president, also stated today: “A heinous and brutal act” that shattered the life of a “bright and gifted individual, a real Russian heart, kind, caring, understanding, and open.” To his motherland, he illustrated via facts what it meant to be a Russian patriot “.

Yesterday, the Kremlin’s information machine was already condemning Ukraine: various analysts agreed on Kiev’s guilt, while Denis Pushilin, head of the self-proclaimed republic of Donetsk, plainly labelled Kiev’s rulers as “terrorists.” “notorious cowards” and “terrorists” According to Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Moscow Foreign Ministry, if this lead is validated, “we will have evidence of the Kiev regime’s campaign of state terrorism.” Olesya Loseva, the host of a television show on which Dugina frequently appeared, described the attack as “a monstrous crime, an act of intimidation, a signal for all of us,” adding that the journalist was “a monstrous crime, an act of intimidation, a signal for all of us.” “She died for her ideals, not because she was afraid of what should have been shouted long ago.”

This morning, before the outcome of the FSB investigations was known, a sort of claim arrived, albeit without confirmation: “We declare President Putin a usurper of power and a war criminal who has amended the Constitution, unleashed a fratricidal war between the Slavic peoples, and sent Russian soldiers to a certain and senseless death,” would be the statement issued by the National Republican Army, a clandestine form of the Russian army. This was revealed by Ilya Ponomarev, a former member of the Russian Duma who was expelled for anti-Kremlin activities, who added that the organisation would be ready to carry out similar attacks on high-profile Kremlin targets in the future.

According to an article published on the front page of the New York Times, whomever planted the explosives, the blast has complicated the position for Vladimir Putin and upset the Russian elite. The incident, according to the New York Times, “has the potential to hamper Putin’s efforts to continue the conflict in Ukraine while preserving a feeling of normalcy at home,” as well as “coming in the aftermath of a succession of attacks.” Ukrainians are deep behind the battle lines in Russia’s-controlled Crimea, and many of the war’s most outspoken supporters have pushed Putin to launch a fresh attack on Ukraine in revenge.”

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