Dugin in a moving farewell to his daughter: “Russia” was the first word she spoke.

Dugin in a moving farewell to his daughter: “Russia” was the first word she spoke.

At the memorial service for his daughter Daria Dugna, who was killed in a car accident, Russian thinker Alexander Dugin spoke movingly. He said that the first thing Daria said was Russia.
Dugin continued as he kissed his daughter good-bye: “Russia is literally her first word, of course, we taught her, our great nation, our people, our empire. And she will only have one wish if her tragic death, grandeur, or integrity impacts anyone: Do not remember me or give me honour.

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The Russian thinker said his daughter, journalist and political expert Daria Dugina, who was killed in a car explosion on Saturday, farewell with these stirring patriotic comments.
Numerous prominent Russians from the press, politics, science, and culture have gathered there since the early morning.

It’s important to note that the victim, Daria Dugina, is the daughter of renowned Russian thinker Alexander Dugin, who is the target of a massive media campaign in the West due to his ardent support for the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Daria was supporting the Russian operation even though the Russian Federal Security Service claimed that Ukrainian intelligence was behind the attack. She was responsible for Daria’s murder.

In a heartfelt farewell to his daughter, Dugin said: “Russia” was the first thing she said.

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