Two activists surprised the German chancellor with a naked chest

Two activists surprised the German chancellor with a naked chest

After approaching the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, for a photo, two protestors unexpectedly removed their shirts and stood nude to urge a Russian gas ban.
The two women used the weekend Open Doors activities planned by the German government to approach Schulz at the Chancellery in Berlin to oppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Security guards swiftly took them out of the country.

Germany, which relies heavily on Russian gas, has yet to entirely prohibit Russian gas imports.
In answer to public queries earlier in the day, Schulz detailed his government’s attempts to identify other energy sources, including liquefied natural gas, for which Berlin is planning to build its first facilities, which are expected to come online in early 2023.

According to the German chancellor, this might address the challenge of assuring supply by early 2024.
Germany, like its neighbours in Europe, is bracing for a possibly brutal winter owing to a lack of energy supply.
According to a study released on Sunday, around two-thirds of Germans are unsatisfied with Chancellor Schulz and his split coalition’s performance in light of the series of problems he has encountered since taking office in December.

In addition, the Insa institute poll for the weekly newspaper Bild am Sonntag found that only 25% of Germans feel Schulz is fulfilling his job effectively, down from 46% in March.
In contrast, 62 percent of Germans say Schulz does not carry out his duties properly, a record high that has risen from 39 percent in March. Schulz was a deputy to Angela Merkel, the seasoned former chancellor.

Since assuming office, Schulz has faced various problems, including the Ukraine war, an energy crisis, skyrocketing inflation, and, most recently, a drought, all of which are threatening Europe’s greatest economy. Critics criticised him of not demonstrating enough leadership.
According to the study, roughly 65 percent of Germans are dissatisfied with the performance of the ruling coalition as a whole, up from 43 percent in March.

Two protestors presented Chancellor Angela Merkel with a bare chest.

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