Facebook drops out of the top ten most downloaded smart device apps.

Facebook drops out of the top ten most downloaded smart device apps.

According to store data, the Facebook programme is fighting to keep its spot among the top 10 most downloaded apps on smart devices in the United States via the App Store.
According to the technology news website TechCrunch, with younger people gravitating to developing social media sites like Tik Tok and BReal, older platforms like Facebook are failing to keep their attractiveness.

For example, the Facebook programme was taken off the list of the ten most downloaded free apps seven times last year, but that figure grew to 97 times in 2022, indicating that Facebook may be eliminated from the list altogether due to the rising popularity of new applications. The difficulty.
In the first half of last year, Facebook dropped out of the top ten applications list only six times, whereas it dropped out 59 times in the first half of this year.

The app also remained outside the top 10 applications for 37 straight days this year, compared to only two days the prior year.
The Statistics presents a fresh study of App Store data.

The ai platform corroborated the drop in the popularity of the Facebook application, stating that the app vacated the top ten most downloaded apps in the United States four times in the previous year, compared to 110 days in the current year, and the period focused on The application was removed off the top ten list throughout the months of April, May, and June.

Facebook is no longer among the top 10 most downloaded mobile device apps.

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