America advises India not to import Russian petroleum after disguising its source.

America advises India not to import Russian petroleum after disguising its source.

Michael Batra, deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India, claims that the US Treasury informed New Delhi that an Indian ship had transported oil from a Russian tanker on the high seas to a port in Gujarat on India’s west coast, where it was processed and delivered.
Crude oil, refined fuels, distillates, coal, and gas made in Russia are not allowed to be imported due to sanctions Washington has placed on Moscow as a result of that country’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine.

That ship received the refined oil back and sailed away without a destination. At an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, Batra said that the ship was informed of its destination halfway through and then resumed its course and headed to New York.
There was no quick response from the US embassy in New Delhi.

Due to Russia’s role in the crisis in Ukraine, the United States has sanctioned the country and made it illegal to import energy products made in Russia, including crude oil, refined fuels, distillates, coal, and gas.
India is the third-largest importer and consumer of oil in the world, and in the past, it has rarely bought Russian oil. Although many Western nations and industries have banned Russian oil since the start of the war, Indian refineries have been buying cheap Russian oil.

On Friday, India stated that it was not subject to any pressure from the West or any other region over its energy purchases from Russia.
Despite buying little from Russia prior to the start of the Ukrainian conflict, India overcame China to become the leading consumer of Russian oil in July based on amounts transported by water.
Russia overtook China to become India’s third-largest coal supplier in July, rising from sixth place earlier, when discounts drove exports to a record high.

India’s main armaments supplier, Russia, has been isolated by the US, but New Delhi insists that its needs as a developing nation are crucial.

India is advised by the United States not to buy Russian petroleum after hiding the source.

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