Tunisia’s Sfaxien goalkeeper justifies his illegal immigration to Italy

Tunisia’s Sfaxien goalkeeper justifies his illegal immigration to Italy

In a press release, the teenage goalkeeper for the Sfaxien club, Ali Chalabi, explained why he had entered Italy illegally and under unexplained circumstances; his team has not yet responded.
The young guard took part in the Harga operation—a strange journey—on one of the immigration boats going to the Italian island of Lampedusa, according to Diwan FM station, emphasising that the player had already completed the baccalaureate exam in the previous session.

The player’s departure—who had previously been a member of the young teams—was closely watched on social media.
Activists attacked young players’ terrible financial circumstances, which they claimed causes them to give up on their sporting goals.
The injustice I experienced in the Tunisian young squad led me to consider emigrating, even though my circumstances are favourable in Sfaxien, Chalabi said in statements to Mosaique FM radio.

I received offers from numerous Italian teams, so I made the decision to go there to play and finish my academic studies, he continued.
I requested a visa from the Italian consulate in Tunisia, but it was denied twice, so I made the decision to board one of the unauthorised immigration boats to enter Italy, he said.
I was compelled to take this step, he said, and I am here in the Lampedusa facility. When I leave, I will take the subsequent steps.

For his part, Sfaxiens young coach Moez Triki stated that he was shocked by what the developing goalie did to Chalabi, just like all other team officials in the capital of the south.
He was a dependable member of the squad, and there was no sign that he planned to leave, according to Triki. As for the offers he received, we in the Sfaxien club are not aware of them, and he had to inform the Sfaxien administration, which would have found the most appropriate solution for him.

As for the father of the guard, he stated: I was unaware of my son’s travel plans, and we were really concerned about him on Thursday night when we couldn’t find him in his room and couldn’t reach him on the phone. We didn’t even get any sleep that night.
And he continued: On Friday morning, he called and informed me that he was travelling illegally and was currently in Italy.

He continued, “I believe that my son left Tunisia due to the injustice he experienced in the Tunisian youth team, where there was favouritism in selecting the players, and the same thing in Sfaxien Parents who are in positions of influence allow their children to participate at the expense of others.”
In addition, he acknowledged that his kid had previously had offers from Italian clubs, and he had documentation to support this. However, his inability to get a visa forced him to make an unpopular decision.

The Sfaxien goalie from Tunisia explains why he immigrated to Italy illegally.

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